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How do I place an order?

To place an order, select the desired product, add it to the shopping cart, fill in the contact information and select a convenient payment method.

You can place an order via Telegram, Whatsaap, Instagram

We accept payments using the SWIFT system to an Indian card from all over the world. As well as through the PayPal money transfer system

10-15 days from the day the parcel was sent

15-20 days from the day the parcel was sent

How long after the order is sent?

It takes 3-7 days for the order to be formed. The preparation of customs documents for medicines takes time.

🔸1. We are forming a parcel
🏷 2. Preparation of customs documents
🔸3. We will send you a photo of the drugs
🔸 4. We will send you a photo of the parcel and tracking tracking number
🔸5. You can use the tracking number to track the movement of the parcel
🔸6. We take care of the delivery and monitor your order, we will notify you via Whatsapp or Telegram when the parcel arrives at your address

We ship your orders by international mail, as well as by EMS and DHL

Parcels are sent from India

We do not cooperate with Amazon.

Questions about drugs

Tibetan Medicine Manufacturing Factory

The Men-chi-khang Institute of Tibetan Medicine is an institution located in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India, whose main purpose is to provide medical care, manufacture Tibetan pills and cosmetics.

Crumble the pill in its shell the night before, pour the contents into a clean cup, pour warm, fresh boiled water, and cover with a lid.

In the morning of the next day, pour hot water into a cup with infusion, drink it together with the sediment.
If you have gastrointestinal problems, then take rinchen 30 minutes after breakfast.

On the day of taking the pill, as well as the day before and after, refrain from eating sour, pickled, highly salty foods, alcohol, undercooked meat, animal entrails, onions, garlic, eggs, raw and especially old vegetables and unripe fruits, as well as, if possible, from taking other medications.

You should also avoid serious physical exertion, daytime sleep, sex, hypothermia in the water. During the entire process, the pills must be protected from sunlight and other direct light sources.

The use of Bunge pepper increases the effectiveness of Rinchen intake.


The number of pills per dose is indicated on the pack.

Crumble the pills and wash them down with warm water

Tibetan pills of cumulative effect.

The start of treatment occurs 7-10 days after admission.

Sometimes, after starting taking Rinchen medications, blood pressure increases in some elderly people.

Usually, after taking 2 pills, the pressure stabilizes.

Keep a close eye on the pressure

How long after the order is sent?

The shelf life of Tibetan pills is 3 years.

The shelf life of Rinchen is 5 years.

The shelf life of Tibetan pills is 3 years.

Tibetan pills are packed in sealed plastic bags.

The package contains information about the composition of the medicine, its use, expiration date, manufacturer, the amount of the drug taken in pills, and the amount of the drug in monthly courses.

Tibetan medicines should not be taken at the same time (in one dose) with European medicines, since the chemical compositions of European medicines kill the living natural components of Tibetan medicines. It is necessary to stand for at least 30 minutes between taking European and Tibetan medicines.

Tibetan medicines often look like peas, in which herbal, mineral and other compounds are tightly compressed. Before eating, the peas must be finely crushed and washed down with plenty of water. Tibetan medicines are 100% made up of natural ingredients, do not contain chemicals and do not cause side effects.