Aru-10 Kidney Diseases, Removal of Kidney Stones

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30 $

Aru-10 Tibetan Phytocollection is one of the best remedies for diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys. The drug is used for kidney injuries, with difficulty urinating. Phytocollection relieves pain in the kidneys, helps remove stones, reduces inflammation. Phytocollection is effective in acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, diseases of the genitals.

🌿Kidney disease, including pyelonephritis
🌿Diseases of the genital organs


📦Delivery time: 20 days

📦 Shipping cost: from 14$ (up to 1 kg)


Aru-10 Tibetan Medicine – used for diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. Phytocollection is effective in diseases of the prostate, the drug removes swelling of the prostate. Phytocollection is used in urolithiasis, it eliminates stones in the urethra. The use of this drug will be useful for the lymphatic system, as it promotes its purification.


Tibetan Phytocollection is one of the best medicines for diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys. The drug finds its use in kidney injuries, with difficult urination. Phytocollection relieves pain in the kidneys, promotes the removal of stones, reduces inflammation. Phytocollection is effective in acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, diseases of the genitals.


In terms of Tibetan medicine, the kidneys are considered to be one organ with the adrenal glands, which are part of the endocrine system.


Tibetan healers believe that the source of all diseases of ‘cold’ is the disorder of kidneys and adrenal glands, which manifests itself in the disruption of hormonal background and the endocrine system.


In men, impaired kidney function leads to such painful conditions as prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and impotence. In women, impaired kidney function leads to endometriosis, cysts, the development of myoma, and also starts the process of breast disease (mastopathy) and thyroid disease.


To diseases of the kidneys and urogenital system can lead to nephroptosis (kidney prolapse), which can develop due to a sharp decrease in body weight. Chronic stress and fear can also have a negative impact on the kidneys.




Indications for taking the drug:

Kidney disease, including pyelonephritis;
✅Diseases of the genital organs;
✅Kidney injury;
✅Urinary disturbance, urinary retention, frequent urination;
✅Stabbing pains in the lower back;
✅Symptom of blood in the urine;
✅Pain in the kidney area.

Contraindications for use: Individual intolerance to the components.

Ingredients: Terminalia chebula, safflower dye, green cardamom, mumie, Ceratia chiratta, moon bean, rhododendron goldenseal, lac cutworms, mirena, juniper.

Additional information

Best before date

3 years


Manufacturer: India, Men-Tsee-Khang, Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala city.

Time of receipt

according to purpose.

Method of administration

as prescribed


Individual intolerance to the components


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