Cordyceps Gold is the best quality mushroom in the world. This mushroom was used in the treatment of many diseases by the emperors of China, and many other Asian countries. The size of this mushroom is more than 11 cm. Specially selected for its quality Cordyceps serve as a real gift for your immune system. Cordyceps Gold has an increased content of the natural antibiotic cordycepsin.
The Cordyceps Golden mushroom (Cordyceps Sinensis), which parasitises the body of a butterfly or caterpillar, is a combination of plant and insect organisms.
Golden Cordyceps (Yarsagumba)
Contains natural antibiotics that have a bacteriostatic effect on pathogenic bacteria such as pneumococci, streptococci, and staphylococcus aureus.
For potency
The main purpose is to treat impotence. In addition to restoring male strength, erections, impaired potency, reproductive function yarsagumba improves nervous activity, stimulates memory and mental efficiency, restores the work of kidneys, lungs, cardiovascular system, liver, spleen, stabilises blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
For hormones
It stimulates the release of adrenal cortex hormones, which intensifies the basic metabolism. Studies have proven that taking Cordyceps significantly increases the activity of T-killers, which is very important in various diseases. It is used for anaemia and high cholesterol.
For immunity
Cordyceps polysaccharides: are internationally recognised immune enhancers and regulators. They increase the body’s resistance to many types of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Arthritis and Arthrosis
Besides the use of Cordyceps for pharmaceutical purposes, it has also been used for centuries as a health food in China, Bhutan, Nepal, India.
And it was most often given to the elderly or elderly people to prevent and treat joint diseases.
Some outstanding performances among athletes in China have been thanks to Cordyceps sinensis.
It has antitoxic effect, due to which it is used in the initial forms of liver, kidney, pancreas cancer. Advanced biotechnology has shown that CS has a wide range of biologically active components and minerals. Many studies have demonstrated its ability to inhibit tumour cells of various types of cancer.
Yarsagumba eliminates the initial signs of erectile dysfunction and restores the processes responsible for erection and ejaculation. The maximum effect is noted by patients who take the drug for one or two months. Such therapy is useful for the whole organism.
The healing properties found in golden cordyceps are due to its rich chemical composition. Among the most important substances for the human body are the following:
-Vitamin C, B vitamins, Vitamin D, Vitamin PP, Vitamin E, Vitamin K;
-Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats;
-Amino Acids;
-Antioxidants; Coenzymes, Enzymes;
-Calcium, Potassium; Iron, Phosphorus;
-Magnesium, Manganese; Selenium, Zinc, Boron;
Cordyceps Elite has these medicinal properties:
✅ stimulates the immune system;
✅protects against viruses;
✅broad-spectrum adaptogen;
✅a natural antibiotic that fights such types of pathogenic viruses as ✅streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus and others;
✅a powerful antioxidant; an antitoxic agent;
✅effective remedy for sexual impotence;
✅anti-tumour agent with a broad profile.
The unique ingredients of cordyceps mushroom activate the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, increase the release of hormones, regulate biochemical processes of the body.
Cordyceps is a powerful inducer of endogenous antioxidant systems (superoxide dismutase, glutathioiperoxidase), which determines its antioxidant and cytoprotective effect.
Contraindications: Epilepsy.
Directions for use: Adults 1 gram per day (half a mushroom). Take with meals twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. The course of intake is 30 days. The course can be repeated.
Scientific information
In Tibeto-Bhutanese it is known as Yartsa Gunbu, words derived from the Tibetan language meaning Yartsa: grass in summer and Gunbu: worm in winter, in China it is called ‘Dong chong xia ciao’ and ‘Tokukaso’ in Japan, words meaning the same.
Cordyceps biology
Yarsagumba fungi are parasites of insects, less commonly spiders and fungi. Yarsagumba chinensis lives on the larvae of butterflies of the slender-spotted butterfly family in China. The spores of Yarsagumbaa, once on the larva germinate and develop in the body of the insect, filling it. After the larva dies, a hard pseudosclerotia is formed in its coverts, which sprout cylindrical stromae (4-12 cm) of black colour.
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