Ludud-18 Joint Diseases, Tendon Diseases

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30 $

Ludud-18 Tibetan phyto-collection for the treatment of joint and tendon diseases, skin diseases and problems with the lymphatic system. The preparation has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.


📦Delivery time: 20 days

📦 Shipping cost: from 14$ (up to 1 kg)


Ludud-18 phytopreparation is used to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, various rashes. Effectively cleanses lymph and blood. Appointed for skin itching, redness of the skin, abscesses, suppuration.


Phytocollection is used for the following symptoms: swelling and scarring of the shins, elbow and knee joints, along with pain; difficulty in bending and extending the legs due to hamstring problems.


Indications for taking the drug:

✅various rashes;
✅cancer of skin, bones, muscles;
✅inflammation of the joints;
✅lymphatic diseases, elephantiasis;
✅sweating of hands and feet.


Contraindications for use: Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy. Phytocollection should not be taken by children, the elderly.

The drug is toxic!

Take with caution, observe the dosage and only when prescribed by a specialist!

Application: The collection should be taken orally with warm water. The pills should be chewed or crushed beforehand. The time of administration and dosage is specified by a doctor.

Ingredients: Commiphora mukul, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia ballerica, Emblica medicinalis (amla), Costus fine, frankincense, Cassia tora, Abelmosh musk, mumie, Tinospora cordiale, marsh staghorn, bellflower, Acacia catechu, cogwort, jatryshnik.

Additional information

Expiry date

3 years


His Holiness the Dalai Lama's clinic Men-Tsee-Khang. India, state of Himachal Pradesh, city of Dharamsala


TVOYA STIHIA LLC, India, Himashal Pradesh, 175023, Rewalsar, Mandi, Nitin Travel.

Reception time

as intended

Method of admission

The collection should be taken orally with warm water. The pills should be chewed or crushed beforehand. The time of administration and dosage is specified by a doctor.


individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy. Phytocollection should not be taken by children, the elderly.


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