Rejuvenating Tibetan granules Chulen has the effect of rejuvenating the body, stimulates performance, strengthens immunity. Improves skin condition, relieves swelling, improves complexion.
The therapeutic effect of tea collection is manifested in a sense of vigour, increased physical and mental activity, stimulation of immunity. Tea triggers the general mechanisms of rejuvenation of organs and tissues.
Active Ingredients Rejuvenating Tibetan granules :
Triphala (Triphala). An ancient formula for healing the body, which contains three fruits: amla, haritaki and bibhitaki. Effectively cleanses all organs and systems from toxins and toxins, increases the protective function of the immune system. Due to this effect, the well-being of a person is significantly improved. No matter what age he was, he begins to get less sick and suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, improves the condition of the skin, joint pain goes away, faster healing of various injuries on the body – wounds and abrasions, increases activity and performance. Eliminates many gastrointestinal pathogens, acts as an enterosorbent.
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). Heals the urogenital system. Helps with diseases of the liver, kidneys and joints. Increases the tone of the genitourinary system, removes excess fluid from the body, helps to get rid of kidney stones and restores the balance of vata dosha.
Shatavari (Asparagus rasemosus). It cures reproductive organs, gives strength, rejuvenates the organism, normalises the hormonal background, fights the herpes virus, helps with gastric disorders, recovers after surgeries.In addition, the plant is rich in bioflavonoids, which prevent damage to cell membranes.
Grapes (Vitis vinifera). It has antioxidant, tonic, regenerating, nourishing, softening, moisturising, antiseptic, healing, exfoliating, anti-cellulite properties. The medicinal properties of grapes are used in the following cases: to reduce blood cholesterol, treat skin diseases, prevent atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of hormone-dependent tumours, prevent cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, to improve blood circulation.
Date (Phoenix dactylifera). Dates have strong nutritional properties and are similar to cereals in this respect. These fruits have no cholesterol, but have a rich set of nutrients consisting of proteins, vitamins A and B, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, amino acids, mineral salts and other useful components, which makes dates extremely useful for the digestive system. It is often recommended by medical experts as a dietary component, despite the caloric content of the fruit. This is due to the fact that in relatively small quantities dates satisfy the daily dose of magnesium, sulphur, copper, a large part of the norm of iron and one fourth of the norm of calcium, thus providing support for the body without the use of more caloric, but less enriched with useful trace elements of food.
Honey (Honey). Honey is very good for eyes and vision. It suppresses thirst, eliminates kapha imbalance, eliminates the effects of poisoning, stops hiccups. It is very useful in urinary tract diseases, worms, bronchial asthma, cough, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. Cleans wounds and heals them, stimulates the growth of healthy tissue at the site of injury. Recently harvested honey is a mild laxative and promotes weight loss, old, long stored honey improves fat metabolism. Ayurveda also speaks of another special quality of honey. It calls it ‘Yogahavi’, a substance that can penetrate the deepest tissues. Using honey with herbs enhances their medicinal properties and helps them penetrate deeper into the tissues.
Treacle from cane sugar (Molasses). A source of calcium and easily digestible carbohydrates, without which it is impossible to synthesise ATP-matter – a source of energy in the body. Necessary for brain function and metabolism in nerve cells, contributes to the emergence of a large number of energy reserves in the body. Normalises digestion, as it is rich in fibre. Contains useful substances: B vitamins, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc.
Instructions for use: brew a tea bag with hot water, infuse, drink on an empty stomach. Do some physical exercise to induce a slight perspiration.
Contraindications for use: it is undesirable to use in case of fever, colds. It is recommended to take the drug by prescription and under the supervision of a specialist. It should not be used by diabetic patients.
Terminatia chebula, Termina bellerica, Emblica officinalis, Juniperus comnmuiis, Rhollodendsan
spa Artemisia sp., Polygonatun cirthifoliame. A
himalaica, Asparagus racemosus, Angetica Archangel tribulas
Drertestris, Phtomoldes vounghibandii, Drosera,
Processed calcite, Hippophae rhamnoides, Vitis vinifera,
Butter, Phounix dactylifers, Honey, Asphaltum’ eg snore
Mineral exudates, Cees saliva, Nuk. Molasses, Rocks
and sugar, Alife free
Purpose: premature ageing, physical and mental fatigue and exhaustion, low immunity.
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