Rinshen Yuning-25 Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract

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250 $

Yuning-25 (Rinchen Precious Old Turquoise)-Applied in disorders of brain function. The pills are indicated for headaches, migraines, fainting, mental disorders, and for restoring memory. The pills are effective in liver diseases.

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Yuning-25 (Rinchen Precious Old Turquoise) Applied in disorders of brain function. The pills are indicated for headaches, migraines, fainting, mental disorders, and for restoring memory. The pills are effective in liver diseases.

Packaging : 10 pills.

Yuning-25 (Rincheng Yuning 25) is a powerful remedy that eliminates intoxication of the body caused by liver diseases, as well as food poisoning, alcohol poisoning.

The pill has a positive effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also this medicine has a therapeutic effect on the cerebral circulation system.

This rinchen is effective in severe conditions even when other medicines of Tibetan medicine are powerless.

Doctors of Tibetan medicine prescribe the pills for the following diseases:

In liver cirrhosis due to various causes (advanced hepatitis, alcohol and drug abuse, food poisoning). The medicine eliminates liver enlargement, weight loss and other symptoms associated with liver malfunction.



Indications for taking Rinshen Yuning-25:

✅Cirrhosis of the liver;
✅Alcohol abuse;
✅Food poisoning;
✅Positive effect in gastrointestinal diseases;
✅Alcohol abuse;
✅Food poisoning;
✅Increases the adaptive capacity of the organism during a sudden change of climate;
✅The drug is a powerful preventive agent against cancer of the liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, oesophagus and duodenum, helping to eliminate cancer cells when malignant neoplasms are latent and undiagnosed.

Contraindications for use: Individual intolerance to the components.

Ingredients: purified gold, silver, copper, three kinds of noble corals, pearl shells, lapis lazuli, unique Tibetan ‘gzi’ gemstone, Kashmir saffron, black lotus seeds, nutmeg, saxifraga, myrobalan khebula, marsh sage, cloves, aster, Indian sesame, licorice, thistle, eagle tree, Tatar chrysanthemum, above-ground parts of Ceratia chirata, Sossurea costus, roots of Aconite conboensis, sugar, minerals magnetite, magnesite (magnesium carbonate), lazurite (oxides of sodium, calcium, aluminium, sulphur, silicon dioxide, chlorine), cinnabar, limonite.


Rinchen Yuning 25 pills from Yeshe Donden Clinic, produced under licence from the Dalai Lama’s Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology.



Rinchen Yuning 25 prolong life and cure chronic diseases.


Multi-component formulations created according to ancient recipes from Tibetan herbs, with the addition of minerals, metals, precious stones, coral, pearls and natural components with a particularly careful treatment of all components.

Ринчены Манжор Ченмо. Rinchen Mangjor Chenmo. Продлевают жизнь и лечат хронические заболеванияRinchen are made according to the secret recipes of Tibetan medicine without modification, which have survived to us from the depths of time.

Без побочных эффектов Ринчены. Rinchen Mangjor Chenmo

No side effects
These drugs, unlike most Western medicines, have virtually no side effects when used correctly and primarily address the cause of the disease itself, rather than simply fighting the symptoms.

свыше ста компонентов ринченов. Rinchen Mangjor Chenmo

Over 100 components
A medicine that contains specially treated : gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron, sapphires, rubies, turquoise, pearls, coral and other elements.

Лечат тяжелые недуги Ринчены. Rinchen Mangjor Chenmo

Cure serious ailments
Precious Rincheng pills are unique and one-of-a-kind medicines, the principle of action of which is based on the use of healing properties of metals, minerals and herbs.

Эффект похудения от Ринченов

Slimming effect
Precious pills have a complex energetic effect on the human body, restoring balance and harmonious circulation of vital energy.

Прием Ринченов

The prepared precious pills are necessarily consecrated by monks in monasteries and are believed to be fully usable only then.

The pills are taken on certain days of the lunar cycle. The most favourable days are the 8th, 15th, 25th and 30th lunar days.

Prepare and take the medicine in dim light, in semi-darkness, because in direct daylight and electric light the medicine begins to deteriorate.

The pills should be taken at 5 a.m.

The evening before taking the pills, take the pills out of the box. Carefully crush them directly in the blister. Then unpack the crushed pill and place it in a clean, crack-free cup. Fill with a small amount of hot water and cover the cup with foil, a lid or a clean cloth. At 6 a.m., drink the remedy, washing it down with a glass of hot water. Then wrap yourself warmly and sleep in bed for a few hours.

On the day of taking the pill, avoid too acidic and salty foods, pork, eggs, fish, onions, garlic, alcohol, tobacco. Avoid cold baths and bathing, sexual intercourse and physical overexertion.



A distinction is made between therapeutic and prophylactic dosage.

✅ For rejuvenation and prevention of diseases it is enough to take one pill per month 3-4 times a year.

✅ In the treatment of severe and long-standing diseases, the frequency of taking the pills can be significantly increased.

✅ For the treatment of chronic diseases, you should drink rinchene in a course. The dosage is 1 pill per week.


Method of storage of rinchen

It is best to store the medicine in a special box in a clean, dry place, at room temperature.

Tibetans, Hindus and Chinese treat the precious Tibetan pills as the greatest treasure that can cure all ailments!

Note: Take a spoonful of Bunge pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum) 10-15 min before taking the pill, for better absorption of all components. Take a piece of butter 10-15 min after taking the pill to consolidate the results.

Additional information

Expiry date:

3 years


Rinchen Yuning 25 pills from Yeshe Donden Clinic, produced under licence from the Dalai Lama's Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology.


YOUR STYCHIA Ltd, India, Himashal Pradesh, 175023, Rewalsar, Mandi, Nitin Travelling

Reception time:

The pills should be taken at 5am.

Method of admission:

At 5 am, drink the medicine, washing it down with a glass of hot water. Then wrap yourself warmly and sleep in bed for a few hours.


individual intolerance to the components.


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