Rontal-10 Liver Diseases, Gallbladder Diseases

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30 $

Rontal-10 The drug is used to treat cholelithiasis. Dissolves stones in the gallbladder. Suppresses the growth of various types of neoplasms, including gallbladder polyps.

🌿chronic hepatitis
🌿chronic cholecystitis
🌿uterine fibroids
🌿cysts of various localizations
🌿stomach polyps
🌿intestinal polyps
🌿 early stages of cancer


📦Delivery time: 20 days

📦 Shipping cost: from 14$ (up to 1 kg)


Rontal-10 has antitumor activity, suppresses the growth of various neoplasms. It is effective in the treatment of uterine fibroids, cysts of various localizations, polyps of the stomach and intestines, and early stages of cancer. The drug is used to treat cholelithiasis. Dissolves stones in the gallbladder.

According to Tibetan medicine, any stagnation poisons the body. In relation to the gallbladder, this means the absorption of bile by the walls of the bladder and its entry into the blood, which leads to poisoning of all internal organs.

What is the threat of bile stagnation for the gallbladder itself? Due to poor bile outflow, it thickens more and more, sand falls out of it, and then stones appear – in fact, cholelithiasis develops.

Note that the main cause of stone formation is improper liver function and oversaturation of bile with cholesterol. On the one hand, we see the source of the threat – metabolic disorders, liver damage, and on the other hand – the conditions under which this threat is formed and develops into a disease.

Abuse of hot spices and seasonings, fried foods, as well as sandwiches – all this directly contributes to the development of gallstone disease.

When the metabolism is disturbed, the liver begins to produce bile with impaired properties – thicker and more viscous; on the other hand, as a result of poor liver function, the blood becomes clogged. And the slags fall into the vessels and bile ducts.

There are only two places in the body where excess cholesterol can settle – these are the walls of the arterial vessels and the lumen of the gallbladder.

Before starting treatment, it is important to correctly recognize the disease so as not to harm the person even more. To determine the disease, Tibetan medicine uses three main methods: questioning, observation, pulse examination. Having determined the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment with appropriate procedures and drugs.

Indications for taking the drug Rontal-10:

✅chronic hepatitis
✅chronic cholecystitis
✅uterine fibroids
✅cysts of various localizations
✅stomach polyps
✅intestinal polyps
✅early stages of cancer

Contraindications for taking: Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding

Composition: bearded gentian, momordica, saussurea burdock, baikal skullcap, mumiyo, myrobalan, saffron, pomegranate tree, burnt-pacified calcite.

Additional information

Best before date

3 years


His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Clinic. India, Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala


"YOUR ELEMENT" LLC, India, Himashal Pradesh, 175023, Rewalsar, Mandi, Nitin Travel

Time of receipt

in accordance with the purpose

Method of administration

in accordance with the purpose


individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding


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