🌿 Samnor Used in the Treatment of Stroke

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30 $

Samnor improves blood circulation and motor activity of paralyzed and paresis-affected limbs. Increases vascular permeability, activating blood flow. Used to treat the consequences of a stroke, helps with loss of sensation in the limbs.


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The Tibetan pills Samnor improves blood circulation and motor activity of paralysed and paresis-affected limbs. Increases vascular permeability, activating blood flow. Used to treat the consequences of a stroke, helps with loss of sensation in the limbs.


Description of the pills Samnor

The drug improves blood circulation and motor activity of paralyzed and paresis-affected limbs. Increases vascular permeability, activating blood flow. Used to treat the consequences of a stroke, helps with loss of sensation in the limbs.

The herbal collection helps with pinched nerves, intervertebral hernias, bone problems, and restores ligaments and tendons. Helps improve cerebral circulation, conduction of nerve impulses, blood circulation and energy throughout the body. Used for rehabilitation after stroke (especially ischemic).

This composition cures diseases such as atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the brain, heart, dizziness, memory disorders, paresis, paralysis, gout, leprosy, rheumatism, stiffness and pain in the joints, weakened memory, loss of sensitivity in the limbs, numbness and nervous tics.

Indications for taking Samnor:

✅ neuralgia;
✅ paralysis;
✅ consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident;
✅ facial nerve paresis, tics;
✅ unstable blood pressure, headaches;
✅ memory loss;
✅ gout;
✅ rheumatism;
✅ arthritis;
✅ inflammatory diseases of nerves and joints;
✅ chronic enlargement of lymph nodes;
✅ lymphadenitis;
✅ urinary incontinence;
✅ nephroptosis, chronic kidney diseases;
✅ infertility;
✅ weak male potency;
✅ tumours in lymph nodes, soft tissues;
✅ thick blood;
✅ kidney diseases that are associated with injury and concussion.

From the point of view of Tibetan medicine, the drug promotes the conduction of energy through the “white channels” (nerve trunks) and stimulates the conduction of nerve impulses in the body.

Samnor overcomes diseases of the internal and external “white canals” (nerve trunks), eliminates curvature and distortion of the face, eyelids, and mouth.

Helps with weakened memory, tongue-tiedness, loss of sensation in the limbs, urinary incontinence, and headaches.

Tibetan healers treat the following painful conditions with this herbal mixture:

– Paresis and paralysis caused by diseases of the white canals and brain, especially after an ischemic stroke, with symptoms: curvature of the mouth and eyes; dysfunction of the limbs (numbness, contraction, stiffness), immobility of the body on one side; sensory disturbances

-Difficulties in flexing and extending the body in the lower back caused by the “curvature” of the renal canals;
-Encephalopathy, dementia
-To improve the function of the central nervous system and smooth muscles
-Fresh and old heat, dispersal of macaws through channels (khrugs and grams)
-Treats heat of blood and bile without affecting mucus and wind
-Heat of the kidneys and shaking of the kidneys
-Diseases: mdze (leprosy), ball (brucellosis or leptospirosis), groom (rheumatism and rheumatoid polyarthritis, joint stiffness)
-Drying chhu-sir
-Diuretic effect
-Mild antibacterial effect after meningococcal infection (together with Garuda-5)
-For osteochondrosis, especially of the cervical spine, improves blood circulation
-When blood pressure increases due to Wind, especially of a neurotic nature (neuroses), with extrasystole, headache and symptoms of increased wind
-After a fright – palpitations, trembling, nausea, blood pressure disorders
-Hypotonia, vestibulopathy, astigmatism
-For any poisoning, especially neurotoxins
-In cases of hypoxia, dizziness after injury

Synonym names for the drug Samnor:

Bsam-phel-nor-bu, Bsam-nor

Contraindications for taking Samnor:

Individual intolerance to individual components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, epilepsy

Composition of the drug Samnor:

aloe wood, white sandalwood, red sandalwood, safflower, bamboo, clove, nutmeg, true cardamom, black cardamom, terminalia chebula, licorice glabra, mullein, bibhitaki, phyllanthus emblica, common fennel, nigella sativum, long pepper, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, camphor cinnamon, senna, elecampane, costus, strawberry, musk.

Additional information


30 грамм


Клиника его Святейшества Далай Ламы. Мен Ци Канг. Индия, штат Химачал Прадеш, город Дарамсала


ООО"ТВОЯ СТИХИЯ", India, Himashal Pradesh, 175023, Rewalsar, Mandi, Nitin Travel

Способ приема

Пилюли разжевать или растолочь, запить теплой кипяченой водой

Названия синонимов препарата

Бсам-пхэл-нор-бу, Бсам-нор, (Samnor)


индивидуальная непереносимость компонентов

Срок годности:

3 года

Время приема:

В соответствии с назначением.


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