This Tibetan preparation is one of the most famous Tibetan medicinal formulations. Its wide range of action makes it effective for a wide variety of diseases. The drug is successfully used even in the treatment of tuberculosis.
Shizhed -6 improves blood counts, improves liver function. The collection has antitoxic effect, is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-ulcer.
In translation from Tibetan Shizhed -6 means ‘pacifying’, ‘harmonising’. The main indication for use of the drug is a violation of digestion. Shizhed -6 improves digestion, revitalising the body’s own enzymatic mechanisms, contributing to the disappearance of the feeling of heaviness after eating and heartburn. The drug also contributes to the normalisation of water-mineral metabolism.
Restoration of full digestion eliminates a number of problems: food allergies, diathesis, neurodermatitis, dysbacteriosis, problem skin.
It is recommended preventive use of Shizhed -6 when changing the diet when travelling, when overeating at the holiday table.
The drug Shizhed -6 is recommended to combine with a collection of ‘Gurgum’ in the presence of skin diseases of adolescence (acne).
Shizhed -6 is a medicine from the Men-Tsee-Khang Clinic of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Preparations used to treat constipation, improve the work of the mucosal surfaces of the intestine, cleanse the liver, biliary tract, normalise digestion, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Maximum effectiveness of phytotherapy is achieved through its combination with medical procedures.
Indications for taking the drug:
✅Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including constipation, diarrhoea, liver disease;
✅Diseases of the respiratory system;
✅Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including hypertension;
✅Overeating, eating disorders;
✅Skin diseases.
Contraindications for use: Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms while taking this composition.
Synonyms for the drug: Sheche Drukpa.
Drug application: 1 pill crushed and take 10-15 min. before a meal, drinking water.
for gastritis – before lunch;
for digestive disorders – before breakfast;
for constipation – before breakfast and dinner;
diathesis and allergies – 3 times a day before meals;
for problem skin – before breakfast and dinner.
Children’s dosage: infants – ¼ pill, from one year to 7 years – ½ pill, from 7 years – 1 pill.
Ingredients: rhubarb root, elecampane rhizome and roots, ginger, oak bark, myrobalan, calcite, solonchak salt.
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