Statuette of Goddess White Tara in brass, 16 cm

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250 $

The distinctive sign of White Tara is the lotus in full bloom. White Tara sits in padmasana (lotus pose) on a lotus throne, wearing Sambhogakaya jewellery, a crown on her head.
The right hand is folded at the knee in varada-mudra (gesture of bestowing boons). In her left hand, folded in jnyana-mudra (gesture of preaching the Teaching), she holds a lotus flower.

White Tara has seven eyes: in her forehead is the third eye (the eye of wisdom), in the centre of her feet and palms she also has an eye each. The eyes help her to see everything that is going on around her and provide support to all who need it. Her seven eyes symbolise the eternal vigil of compassion.

White Tara is very loving and willing to help. Her name means ‘star’ and like the stars that point the way for sailors and travellers, Tara helps us to walk smoothly and safely and find our way – whether on a journey, on a spiritual path or in our daily lives.


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Statuette of Goddess White Tara
Tara in Buddhism is a female bodhisattva (being with awakened consciousness), a female being who has reached perfection and liberation, but refused to go to nirvana out of compassion for people.



According to an Indian legend, Avaloviteshvara (the maternal hypostasis of Buddha), seeing the suffering of all living beings, wept, two tears rolled out of his eyes, which, falling to the ground, turned into lotuses. When the flowers opened, on one of them sat White Tara.



White Tara is the goddess who delivers from all dangers and grants long life.
The main symbol of Tara is the fully blossomed lotus, representing the opening of the petals of the chakras.


Even the mere mention of the name of White Tara can save a person from many troubles. White Tara is a healer and gives good luck.


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