Tibetan Tea from Unfavourable Conditions TSEPHEL-DHUTSE
Restore immunity and prolong life.
The main purpose of Tibetan Tea from Unfavourable Conditions is to maintain and strengthen immunity. This drink protects the body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses, as well as from unfavourable environmental factors such as gas from cars, household chemicals, products with chemical additives, nitrates and preservatives.
In terms of Tibetan medicine, this unique tea creates a normal flow of body energies and increases longevity.
Ingredients: Thistle (Rapeseed); St. John’s wort; Rock salt; Long pepper; Oil; Cultivated grapes; Rice.
Instructions for use: Dissolve one sachet per day in hot milk or water. It should preferably be taken in the morning.
Contraindications for use: Do not drink tea before bedtime, with colds and fever, low blood pressure and anaemia. It is not recommended to use for pregnant women and children.
Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package. Store at room temperature.
Packaging: Cardboard box with 30 sachets.
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