Yukar Treatment of Gynaecological Diseases Tibetan Medicine

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30 $

Tibetan Medicine Yukar. It relieves stomach pain associated with chronic gastritis, also affects symptoms such as liver pain, high acidity of gastric juice, bloating with indigestion, constipation, intermittent menstrual cycle, tumours in the digestive tract.

🌿menstrual disorders
🌿cyst of the ovary


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Tibetan Medicine Yukar used for gynaecological diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Yukar is widely used in the treatment of chronic gastritis, as well as in disorders such as menstrual disorders, myoma, ovarian cysts, algodismenorrhoea.

The main symptoms for which this composition is indicated are listed below: pain in the stomach, pain in the large intestine, right subcostal pain, high acidity of gastric juice, abdominal bloating, indigestion, constipation.

May be used with caution in case of tumours of the digestive tract.


Indications for taking the drug:

Menstrual disorders;
✅Cyst of the ovary;
✅Liver disease;
✅To reduce high acidity of gastric juice;
✅Oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Contraindications for use: Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.


Monthly course of 60 pills.


Drug application: Take in the morning and evening after a meal after 30 minutes, drink warm boiled water. Dosage 1 pill.


Ingredients: Pomegranate, gooseberry, adatoda vascularis, cardamom, black pepper, ginger, costus, phyllanthus emblica, veronica ciliata, embelia sour, snakehead, long pepper, ginger, coriander.



The main causes of female diseases – mastopathy, uterine myoma, endometriosis, amenorrhoea and others – are considered by Tibetan medicine to be a combined disorder of two regulatory systems – Bad-kang and Rlung.


Bad-kang is responsible for the endocrine system. Rlung corresponds to the nervous system. A combined disorder of these two systems means a disorder of the neuroendocrine regulation of the body.


Thus, the main causes of uterine myoma, mastopathy and other female diseases are nervous stress, negative emotions, high conflict, sleep disorders, leading to a violation of the hormonal background.


Other causes may be the peculiarities of the lifestyle of a modern woman – late childbirth, too short a period of breastfeeding, lack of regular sex life. Finally, improper nutrition, which in Tibetan medicine is considered one of the main causes of diseases. And women’s diseases, including gynaecological diseases (endometriosis, uterine myoma and others) are no exception.


Improper nutrition causes imbalance of metabolic processes, and this means disorder of the Bad-kan system, which is responsible, in addition to hormonal regulation, for the condition of all mucous surfaces of the body, as well as the immune and lymphatic system. Hence the diseases of the mucous membrane of the uterus – endometriosis.


However, this is not all. A distinctive feature of Tibetan medicine in the treatment of uterine myoma, endometriosis, mastopathy and other female diseases is that it pays attention not only to the nervous and endocrine systems, but also to the work of two internal organs – the liver and kidneys.


The fact is that the liver is responsible in the body for the breakdown of waste hormones, including female hormones – estrogen. Deterioration of its work leads to the fact that the body accumulates excessive hormones, which leads to the development of gynaecological diseases, as well as mastopathy.


These diseases in Tibetan medicine are called “cold” diseases and, although they are related to the imbalance of the Bad-kang system, their origin is based on the reduction of the body’s “heat” due to the deterioration of the liver.


Another area of treatment is the normalisation of kidney function. After all, it is the kidneys that control the circulation of blood and energy in the pelvic area, including the sexual sphere. Deterioration of their work leads to disorders of metabolic processes, reduction of energy and accumulation of “cold” in the organs of the sexual sphere, deterioration of blood supply to the genitals. Hence the decrease in resistance, increased susceptibility to infections, as well as the development of diseases such as myomas, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, cycle disorders and others.


Then the chain can continue to the mammary glands (mastopathy) and thyroid gland (thyroid diseases mainly affect women). That is why it is necessary not to wait for the emergence and development of many diseases to seek help at the first signs of gynaecological problems and kidney dysfunction. It is even better to do it regularly, for preventive purposes.


Diagnostic methods of Tibetan medicine make it possible to identify the disease at the earliest stage, when it does not yet manifest itself with obvious symptoms. At this stage, it is relatively easy to treat, thus preventing serious problems in the future.

Additional information

Best before date

3 years


Manufacturer: India, Men-Tsee-Khang, Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala city.

Time of receipt

according to purpose

Method of administration

Take in the morning and evening after a meal after 30 minutes, drink warm boiled water. Dosage 1 pill.


Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.


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