From the point of view of Tibetan medicine Zhachun-13 is prescribed in case of perturbation of Wind, Bile, Slime. It improves conduction through white channels (nerves). It is effective in diseases of the nervous system, osteochondrosis, reduces toothache.
Tibetan medicine considers the body as a single holistic system. Therefore, treatment is aimed not at eliminating symptoms, but at finding and treating the root of the disease. After all, in the human body, as in a complex mechanism – all parts are closely connected. The slightest malfunction may in the long run lead to sad consequences for the whole organism. The holistic approach in Tibetan medicine is based on the knowledge of the regulation systems of the organism and the three vital principles, three human constitutions.
Tibetan methods do not involve affecting the body through surgery. Tibetan doctors use deep knowledge of biologically active points, energy flows. Medicines in Tibetan medicine do not contain artificial immunostimulants, have no side effects. Therefore, the method has no side effects, does not cause rejection by the body, and the results are preserved as a natural state of health.
Indications for taking the drug:
✅paralysis after an acute cerebral haemorrhage disorder;
✅sensory impairment of the limbs;
Contraindications for use: Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Drug application: The collection should be taken orally with warm water. The pills should be chewed or crushed beforehand. The time of administration and dosage is specified by a doctor.
Synonyms for the drug: Pearlescent-13.
Ingredients: mother-of-pearl, clove, nutmeg, eaglewood, terminalia chebula, Ural licorice, sossurea lobustris, aconite, aire, red coral, magnetite.
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