🌀 Zhumza For Weight Loss Tibetan Herbal Medicine

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30 $

Zhumza is used as a means for weight loss. Effectively reduces blood cholesterol levels and normalizes blood pressure. Prescribed for hypertension, when there is a combination of obesity and hypertension.


📦Delivery time: 20 days

📦 Shipping cost: from 14$ (up to 1 kg)


From the point of view of Tibetan medicine, Zhumza is used for mixed constitutions, normalizes the mucus constitution, and removes excess mucus from the body. Pills effectively reduces weight and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Prescribed for obesity of internal organs (lipomatosis), for diabetes mellitus.

Due to the intestinal cleansing effect, it is used in the complex treatment of obesity. Normalizes the level of thyroid hormones in hypothyroidism. Pills improves and accelerates metabolism (metabolism), promotes the breakdown and elimination of fats. It is used for delayed menstruation, as well as for local treatment of burns and skin pustules, hematomas.


Indications for taking the drug Zhumza:





✅arterial hypertension

✅delayed menstruation

✅ local treatment of burns and skin pustules, hematomas


Contraindications for use: Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding

Application: The collection should be taken orally with warm water. Chew or crush the pills first. The time of administration and dosage are indicated by the doctor.

Ingredients: rhubarb, hedychium spica, salt, saltpeter, sea buckthorn

Additional information

Срок годности

3 года


Клиника его Святейшества Далай Ламы. Мен Ци Канг. Индия, штат Химачал Прадеш, город Дарамсала


ООО"ТВОЯ СТИХИЯ", India, Himashal Pradesh, 175023, Rewalsar, Mandi, Nitin Travel

Время приема

в соответствии с назначением

Способ приема

Сбор следует принимать внутрь, запивая теплой водой. Пилюли предварительно разжевать или растолочь. Время приема и дозировка указывается врачом.


индивидуальная непереносимость компонентов, беременность, кормление грудью


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